Cut your event planning stress in half

"Our first meeting and our stress levels have already dropped..." - Kady W.
As your 360 event specialists, we are here to take the stress off of you so that you can focus on elevating your business. In the meantime, here are 4 holistic approaches to stress-relief.

1. Essential Oils- Widely known for their almost instant relief, essential oils are a great tool to have up your sleeve. Whether you are feeling stressed while stuck in traffic or during the event set up, just whip out your favorite essential oil and take a few deep breaths. Plus, if you know you have a stressful day ahead, you can place a few drops in an oil diffuser to help relax you into getting a restful sleep the night before.

2. Meditate- It wouldn't be a complete holistic stress-relief list if we did not include meditation. However, you might not always be able to find a calm enough place to meditate, especially during the chaos that can come with an event. Instead, implement the deep breathing practices while you are working when you are unable to step away from what you are doing.

3. Let it out- Keeping all of your stress bottled up is just a recipe for additional stress and burn out. Instead, find a way to let it out. For some, writing their thoughts down or calling a friend can make the world of difference. Scientists even suggest getting out one really good scream can help activate relief and help with stress management.

4. Reduce caffeine intake- Although this step will seem like downright torture for some, reducing your caffeine intake is an absolute must. Since caffeine is a powerful stimulant, it will counteract any stress-relief exercises that you are trying to implement. Instead, opt for a soothing, caffeine-free tea to sip on throughout the day.
We hope these 4 holistic approaches to stress-relief help you avoid the life-altering risks of ineffective stress management. For more information on how we can help you cut your event planning stress in half, contact us today at or 661-257-1725.