Tips To Your Most Successful Holiday Party (Part 2)

We know that you have a lot on your plate this time of year, and on top of that now you have to start planning your holiday party. Yikes! Fortunately, we are rolling out our top tips each Tuesday to help you have your most successful event!
Tip #3. Choose Your Theme- The theme that you choose directly relates to decor, dress code, entertainment needs, and how excited the guests will be for the evening. The good news is that there are endless amounts of themes that you can choose from! A practical theme like vu-ja-de (the opposite of the same thing over and over again) is a great option for companies that are not looking for anything too out-of-the-box. You can have elegant ambiance, personal messages from the staff on what the theme means to them, and really bring the night to life with lighting and decor. If you are looking for a fun theme that will really wow your guests, a casino night is always one you can bet on (see what we did there?). Going with a casino night not only provides a unique element of entertainment, but it also ensures that all of your guests will be involved and build the bond that they have with their coworkers. Tip #4. Invited & Guest List- Creating the guests list and sending out invites early on in the process is crucial to the success of your event, since it does largely rely on your guests showing up! First solidify your guest list so that the attendees know if it is an inclusive family event, a formal gathering, or an adults-only evening. Next, send out the invites to all of your guests. Since many companies in your area are looking at the same dates as you, it increases the likelihood of your guests not being able to attend... unless you send out your invited early!
Stay tuned each Tuesday for more tips on planning your most successful event yet. If you would like to reserve your event date, see what we are all about, or get more tips sooner, contact us today! We look forward to hearing from you.