Tips: Communicating Your 2016 Goals
ARE YOU READY FOR A SUCCESSFUL 2016? I know we are! We spent the month of December setting our Company Goals for 2016, as I'm sure many of you did as well. Now that 2016 is here, it's time to hit the ground running and set out towards achieving those goals!

Company Goals are a tricky thing. As the leader of your organization or your department you can set the best, fully attainable, measurable goals for your organization. You and your team can even work harder all year long and do the most amazing job you have ever done. But that doesn't guarantee your company will achieve the company goals...especially if everyone is running in different directions.
So after you have set your 2016 Goals, it is critical that your entire team is in alignment to achieving those goals. And the first step to alignment is effective communication to everyone on the team. Not just your executives, not just the EVERYONE!
If you have a staff of 10, communicating your 2016 Company Goals is easy. But for those who have over 100 employees, team members out in the field or even out of state...communicating your company goals and insuring everyone is in alignment is a bit more challenging. So here are a few ideas on how you can accomplish this:
Annual Kick-Off Company Event- This event can be a dinner banquet where you include awards for the previous year's accomplichments or it can be a conference meeting to just present your company's 2016 Success Goals. Find a venue that is central to most of your employees and mandate attendance. In cases where you can not have everyone attend at the same time due to business loss from office closures, then split the conference meeting into 2 parts. Half of your team can attend the morning session and the other half can attend the afternoon session. Make sure you have the proper audio and visual equipment needed for your meeting to accomodate the number of attendees (we can help with that).

Live Video Streaming- In situations where team members are too far to be able to be in one central location, you can plan Regional Conference Meetings. These meetings can be at a hotel venue or in a Regional office. You can then do a Live Video Streaming of your 2016 Goals and Roadmap Presentation. The Live Video Streaming allows for attendees to have a Q&A opportunity if that is important to your organization. You will need to make sure you have the appropriate visual projection equipment for the number of attendees. For example a 9'x12' screen can accomodate up to 150 attendees or you can opt for LED Plasma Monitors for higher definition. You will also need to make sure you have the proper technology for live video streaming to a large audience (again, we can help with that).

Video Web Streaming- A more cost effective option for organizations that have branches in various states or even various countries would be a Pre-Recorded Video Presentation. The company president can have his presentation filmed professionally (not with an iphone). Then have the video edited to incoporate any power point slides or other visual content. The video can then be uploaded to your company website or video streaming service like YouTube or Vimeo and you can give private access to all of your employees to view. This option also allows for any new team members who join your organization through out the year to view the video and be aligned to the company goals from their first day of employment. Our filming team has helped many organizations create powerful, professional videos that help communicate their oragnization's message effectively. Feel free to view samples on our website.

We want you and your organization to be successful this year as much as we want our own organization's success. So feel free to contact us with any help you need in getting your 2016 Goals communicated to your entire team!
Wishing you a Successful 2016!!!